Do I need to seek help from a therapist during COVID-19?

Boy have our lives changed in the blink of an eye.  It seems like I was just in NYC attending the American Group Psychotherapy Association Conference at the beginning of March. This was towards the beginning of our knowing that the Coronavirus was going to indeed arrive in the U.S.  I went supplied with LOTS of antibacterial wipes, hand sanitizer, and a lot of awareness of “it’s coming.” My hotel room, Uber, airplane seat and anything else I touched was coated with protection from the Virus. I felt prepared!  

I then returned to Houston and resumed in-person psychotherapy at my office. As the days progressed that week, so did my knowledge of needing to transition to a home office.  I wanted to make sure my clients could continue to be supported and their therapy work would continue. Little did I know I would be embarking on a completely new routine of seeing people in my home office. March 13th marked my last day in my office and also the last day I entered a grocery store!  

 And here we are.  Just several weeks into our “new normal” of quarantine and for many, complete isolation. It is difficult to be emotionally and physically isolated from people.  Especially those you really want to be with. We are embarking on a whole new way of living and trying to make sense of how to do this. 

 This is what I know….

·      This sucks.  AND…This too shall pass

·      Support from friends and family is necessary 

·      Physical exercise is essential

·      Laughing is a requirement…via Zoom parties or through Netflix shows

·      Talking about your feelings and what you are going through is a MUST

·      Online Therapy can be a HUGE help

 With strict city, state and national mandates to “Stay Home – Stay Safe,” we are all dealing with a new way of living. Raised anxiety, fear, unknown of the future, sadness, aloneness, and a new normal we never thought would be part of our lives.

Thankfully we are living in a time where Online Videotherapy is possible.  Having access to 25 and 50-minute sessions for a check-in/check-up can be a life saver. There is no need for you to deal with the many feelings COVID-19 has brought upon us alone.  Having someone to talk to can make all the difference in your day and in the days ahead. 

With several plants now positioned in my “new home office” and knowing who to call on when quarantine becomes too much, I still feel ready and mentally prepared to meet the challenges of our new normal. 


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