Dating after Divorce

Now where do I go from here now that I’m divorced and feeling lonely? 

The divorce is final.  All has been signed and the money has been distributed.  You or they have moved out.  The house is quiet.  The days and nights are lonelier than expected.  Maybe the days and nights are NOT as lonely as expected! The kids are good. The extended family is or isn’t adjusting to the divorce. Your friends are now uncomfortable with your divorce more than you are and they are asking you when you will “get out there!” They may not understand why you are taking your time entering the dating field.  They may not even understand why you don’t want to date at all. Often friends can’t fathom you not wanting to date even when divorce was your idea. Possibly they are expressing their own desires.

To me, it all is on your terms. Deciding to date is your decision.  No one else’s.  You will know when you’re ready.  You will know when you feel the time is right to either get on a dating app, take up your “wing-man” friend to meet up at a local hangout, or to go on that blind date your colleague wants you to attend.  

I know all of these thoughts, and likely more, are swirling through your mind as you contemplate entering the dating field.  One thing for sure is this..YOU are the ONLY one who knows when the time is right for you.  NO ONE else can make you take the leap. 

I will be continuing to write more about this topic because it is an important one and one I see daily in my office. Dating is part of most everyone’s internal struggle after a divorce or difficult breakup. Processing your thoughts, fears, expectations are necessary.  Whether a long-term relationship or a casual hook-up is what you are wanting, it is essential to analyze where you are emotionally before you head into the dating scene.  There’s no right or wrong time to enter the dating world.  It’s when YOU are ready!  And you’ll know when the time is right for you.